Not Sold

by @rocketgrrrl

Skirmish: Trash (@atornberg)
Not Sold

Liner Notes

#folk #girlwithpiano #flute #soft #children #skirmish

This is my response to the 'Trash' Skirmish. I remember my brother and I telling each other stories about how his lost baby blanket was somewhere, at the town dump, holding court over a small group of lost stuffed animals. We used to plan rescue missions, and cried more than once over losing Blankie.

But toys are not the only ones we throw away. I remember my uncle, kept safely away from us children, only occasionally being allowed to come by and visit and maybe drop off a gift or two. Our family and our community threw him away for being #queer. I wish I could see him now; I think he always knew I was too, somehow.


Not Sold
Jemma Kline

The air is still, the stars are cold,
We are the toys that no one sold.
Our eyes aren’t straight; our wheels aren’t true.
And so we’re here; we’re not like you.

We are the broken.
We are the queer.
We are the refuse of the ones who left us here.

Here in the dark, we share our dreams,
Among the stacks of worthless things.
With missing parts and tangled hair,
We still can love, we still can care.

We are the broken.
We are the queer.
We are the refuse of the ones who left us here.

So buy your dolls,
And perfect homes.
We’ll choose our children,
We’ll find our own.

We are the broken.
We are the queer.
We are the treasures, not the ones who left us here.


From sad to defiantly persistent. I love the line "We'll find our own." That makes all the difference, doesn't it?
What a poignant, powerful song! Your vocal/piano performance is so personal and touching and lovely. You say so much in under two minutes!