Matt's a piece of trash

by @matthewsanford

Skirmish: Trash (@atornberg)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

top of the head


Matt's a piece of trash
Well you know, sometimes it's true,
Sometimes my madness escapes and takes a bite of you

Matt can be so rash
However it goes I'm blue
From freaking out inside my head and getting so loo

Matt can learn so fast
As everything to take in
Just shove it, shove it, shove it, shove it, shove it, shove it right in!

Matt will come in last
If we have learned anything
My ways are slow trash left to dissolve and remain

But luckily I got by Matthew, these days,
These days, I'm not my trash ways.


You’ve put together some very clever lyrics to express a very difficult subject. The contrast between the seriousness of the topic and the light nature of the words catches the listeners attention.
very amusing and well.put together! i like this@
Thanks you two! It was long my nickname, first band DV8 well that was me, Frank (sorry it's a bad word) as an Italian became w*p, and drummer Josh was just @ssh*le cause, well, he is. But in my old age I have taken on Matthew, my given, to present. A skew from then, but hey most trash can become something great!
Witty and original! Nice turn around at the end!
Depending on delivery, this could go more introspective or more self-deprecating humor. Either way, I like the twist at the end.