Echoey snippet of pip, it!

by @matthewsanford

Liner Notes

#ambient #instrumental
Just a quick thing, I suppose everything is a song but this is just a throw together and more to get sound recorded from the new delay (Electric Druid's DigiDelay with CCFX CV modulators tacked on) I almost have boxed. Still...with the dreamyness it is a very chill float through! I hope you find it enjoyable, ignore the wind sounds of my fan because I didn't do the thing as rushed in, also my silly need to tune comment at the end! Though those are the lyrics, I suppose....


@aeye Thanks! I did a few more videos of the thing, plus a filter, plus with a distortion, all with control voltage warping them - those are all on that YouTube page if you wanted to see.
it's a quick thing but it's cool