
by @hmstreetteam


Liner Notes

I wrote this one just to cover the letter X for the alphabet challenge. Nevertheless it has a real point. It’s a critique of the profound laziness and ungroundedness of a segment of the success literature of the 2010s. True large-scale success, I argue here, comes from practice and repetition.


People use ten X as a verb
Nine out of ten are lies
Don’t believe any of the stories you’ve heard
Where all they do is brag about size

People make ten X a way of life
Nine out of ten are a fail
Mother Nature says it’s not nice
To be ignoring the nature of scale

Ten X isn’t rocket science
If you can ten X the sweat
Repeat success X ten
And tell me what you get

Let me say it again
And again and again and again and again
And again and again and again and again
That’s success X ten

They’ll tell you to add a zero
To turn a ten into a hundred
But do the actual addition of zero
You might as well not have bothered

Look it up sugar created this line
Turned into powder by persistence
That’s what makes ten X so fine
That’s how ten X got its existence

I’ll say it once more and I’ll spell it out
I’m not saying this just ’cause it rhymes
If ten times the results is what you’re about
Repeat the same pattern ten times

Ten X isn’t rocket science
If you can ten X the sweat
Repeat success X ten
And tell me what you get

Let me say it again
And again and again and again and again
And again and again and again and again
That’s success X ten

