The Childless Ones

by @rocketgrrrl

The Childless Ones

Liner Notes

#folk #girlwithpiano

Do not assume that #judaism or #religion is only for the straight or gender-conforming. And do not assume that those of us who are #queer will be content to always be without #children. Nearly 30% of GenZ identify as LGBTQ. There is a storm coming, and our ship has stronger sails.

From this week's Haftarah:
"Shout, Oh infertile one!
You who bore no child!
Unhappy, storm-tossed one, uncomforted!
I will lay carbuncles as your building stones
And make your foundations of sapphires."
- Isaiah 54:1 & 54:11


The Childless Ones
Jemma Kline

The childless ones, those living strangely,
We are the ones with stronger sails.
We’ve built a ship inlaid with jewels,
A ship you’ve read about in tales.

We’ll sail away with all your children,
The ones whose hearts long for the sea.
We’ll sail away with all your children,
When we teach them they are free.

For all those years, you left them lonely,
Said what they felt could not be right.
Said they belong alone and friendless,
Kept locked away and out of sight.

We’ll sail away with all your children,
The ones whose hearts long for the sea.
We’ll sail away with all your children,
When we teach them they are free.

They’ll learn from Dawson and Chbosky,
They’ll learn from Toni Morrison.
They may even find Kobabe.
Or that one by George Johnson.

If you try to stop them reading,
if written words are what you fear,
Then I will give to you no quarter,
And I will shed for you no tears.

We’ll sail away with all your children,
The ones whose hearts long for the sea.
We’ll sail away with all your children,
When we teach them they are free.


beautiful and thought provoking! nice work! I like how you took some images and thoughts from the haftorah for the week....yasher koah! :)
This hit right in my heart. It's a hard struggle. This is a beautiful, moving performance. You put these difficult things into words so well. Sending you love <3