Summer is over/Der Sommer Ist Vorbei

by @dragondreams · @mahtowin

Liner Notes

#vocals #flute #reverb #ethereal
DD sez:
I improvised a flute piece and bounced it over to @mahtowin for a sprinkling of magic. This is what came back. 😀

@mahtowin: i sang a poem i wrote today about some memories of this summer to DDs beautiful flute theme!

Music by Dragondreams
Lyrics and vocals by Mahtowin


Der Sommer ist vorbei

Ich durchschritt ein Tor
gebaut aus Wind und Moos.
Mir war der Himmel so nah!

Ich tauchte tief hinab
und schwamm mit Wellenkindern.
Dort schwebte mein Herz!

Ich saß unter der alten Linde
und lauschte still ihrem Flüstern.
Dort tanzte meine Seele!

Nichts wird sein, wii es war!
Die Spinnen fliegen wieder!
Der Sommer ist vorbei
und im Wind weht mein Haar!

Summer is over

I passed through a gate
built from wind and moss.
Heaven was so close to me!

I dove deep down
and swam with wave children.
That's where my heart was floating!

I sat under the old linden tree
and listened quietly to their whispers.
My soul danced there!

Nothing will be as it was!
The spiders are flying again!
Summer is over
and my hair blows in the wind!


Beautiful ... sounds like clouds billowing over dark forests. Excellent vocals, of course! Floats along like a half-forgotten dream.
Such a beautiful recording. The backing track is so rich and the vocal track so exotic. I enjoyed this. Thank you.
i think you mean you produced some magic and asked for more. got such a comfortable feel to this - love the end turn showing real life and the changes
The lyrics offer a wondrous world and those images are very vivid. I enjoyed the flute and how it danced around and the lovely vocals celebrate this place in time. What a pleasure to listen to!
What an amazing, image-rich lyric/poem - in both German and English. And the song itself is breathtaking! Cool story behind it, too.
The flute and voices dance together so melodically - they are the character and the synth background is the setting. Amazing collab!