Nothing Is Now Everything

by @jamkar · @kahlo2013

Nothing Is Now Everything
jamkar +1

Liner Notes

I was thrilled to work on something a little different, with Liz's lyrics.
The poly synth and electric bass are a good fit, but I could really hear a solo instrument wailing out of control here. *sigh*. Any takers post 50/90?
Thank you Liz for the cool lyrics!


Nothing is now Everything

I see nothing
beyond your face
every night
within my dreams

I hear nothing
except your breath
every night
when I’m asleep

or so it seems…

nothing is now
everything I hold
down deep …
and it does not
feel good….

there is a
yearning turning rage …
angry about what
you do …

there is a
burning churning flame …
growing as I think
of you…

do you feel it too?

I feel nothing
without your love
every day
when you’re not here

I have nothing
inside my heart
every day
that you’re still there

are you aware?…

nothing is now
everything I know
to fear ….
and it feels out
of control….

there is a
yearning turning rage …
angry about what
you do …

there is a
burning churning flame …
growing as I think
of you…

do you feel it too?

you sparked this
don’t you care?
don’t you agree?

you brought on
this jealousy
don’t you know?
don’t you now see?

aren’t you afraid?….
afraid of me?……

there is a
yearning turning rage …
angry about what
you do …

there is a
burning churning flame …
growing as I think
of you…

do you feel it too?


This is good! All of it. Really. Your voice maybe is the best part but really, have to give it to all parts. Great collab!
There's a lyric that says "there is a burning churning flame" and this vocal performance definitely has a burning, churning quality to it. The star of the track is the bass, though - great presence and tone.
ooo that bass hooked me in straight away! you got ya waits chops on here and it works all well with this really good lyric