Where Did I Go Wrong?

by @marthie · @musicsongwriter · @kahlo2013

Liner Notes

Liz says: I’m so very grateful for my FAWM musician friends @marthie and @musicsongwriter for taking lyrics and creating a moving piano ballad that flows with emotion. What generous gifts of time and talent by two of my very favorite FAWMers. I truly appreciate it!

Nadia here: thank you so much @kahlo2013 Liz for your beautiful, inspiring and moving lyrics, and thank you so much @marthie for your gorgeous, moving and sincere, truly stunning vocals and vision for the lyrics and music. Amazing atmosphere and delivery. Love ❤️ our song.
@kahlo2013 I took the liberty to amend your tag as nadia is not mine. I go by @musicsongwriter :)


Where Did I Go Wrong
© 2024 Elizabeth Petty- Lyrics, Nadia Cripps-Music, Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch,-Voice

V1 I tried so hard to hold.. hold on
but love slipped through my hands
days became dark nights with you gone
nothing left but lost dreams
and fallen plans
I still don’t understand
where did I go wrong?
V2 your words of love are now echoes
my heart beats are lost in silence
hopes we shared faded in shadows
far away in the distance far
past horizons
why did it have to end?
where did I go wrong?
C as I still long for your touch tonight
I still want you here by my side
as good past memories linger tight
but I know you felt our love wasn't right
so I'm trying to let go…
let go of the fight
let go to seek new light
V3 every photo tells a love story
did your smiles hide all the pain?
now just remnants of bittersweet glory
like soft music of falling
tears in the rain
is there any sweet refrain?
where did I go wrong?
B there’s no hard feelings left behind
I gave it all the best I could
it’s time for me to chase find
love honest and good
as I know I really should
but how do I move on? C


Classic ! so Marthie so Liz so Nadia yet something all new! lovely! i love that hesitation you sneak in Marthie really adds extra emotion
Agree, there is a power in this trio. The lyrics are so filled with emotion. And Nadia's piano is the perfect match to Marthie's excellent vocals.
nadia's music is like a bacharach in ballad mode, and marthie sings liz's powerfully emotive lyrics with the delicacy of a dionne warwick. this triple threat collab turns music into an adventure.