I Appreciate Your Kind and Considerate Nature

by @musicsongwriter

Liner Notes

My music is my appreciation of everyone who is kind, caring and considerate. Thank you for spreading your kindness.

My title was a result of reading a comment by (deleted) on https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/forums/2802 His comment moved me and I had to open my piano and play. I had several versions and I've settled with the one you hear here. Thank you for listening and commenting. Please let me know if you would like to collaborate with me. If you happen to see the photo, it is a photo of the flowers I received from my brother and my sister-in-law many years ago.

#gratitude #fawm #acoustic #collaborationswelcome

'I Appreciate Your Kind and Considerate Nature' © 2024 Nadia Cripps, Music, Piano, Demo and Photo by Nadia Cripps.


Lovely! Very relaxing to listen to. Kindness and consideration are important and often overlooked these days and shouldn't be. I appreciate the good musical sounds.