
by @lamerabbit

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

On the road. Writing lyrics for fun and later use. Fuckmost was where this started from, I think. And of the lame "live for doing", these two did something together in my brain and rest is found below.


Hey you fuckmost fuckers
What is it that you live for doing?
While you to hide it in buffers
I afraid it is showing

Yes I am being an ass
Not mean just umm exigent
You may have to aqcuire that rash
To give you the itch
...and off for the freedom they went!

The buffering
Drop em half-darlings from the line
The buffering
Worthy - get em going dear Clementine


Keeping it till the time
Is right, the most fine
Will leave ya dying
Without even really trying

The buffering
Drop em half-darlings from the line
The buffering
Worthy - get em going dear Clementine


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