But Sometimes

by @kahlo2013

But Sometimes

Liner Notes

#ballad #triggerwarning #sad #mentalillness #needsmusic #needscollab #collaborationswelcome

Thinking about those who loose loved ones due to complications of their illness

I put a sample demo up with AI just to give an idea - sadly it cuts off before the end of the outro…

Would love a collaboration with real music and vocals.


shadows haunt minds
in the darkest of times
where slivers of light
remain hardest
to find

beyond many tries…
despite watchful eyes…

we can give them our hearts
we open our homes
we can reach out to help
in every way
that we we know….

but sometimes…
oh… sometimes….
they still will let go…

dark clouds stir souls
as fast brewing storms grow
where steady rains flow
without hope of

beyond what we know…
despite all our hope…

we can give them our hearts
we open our homes
we can reach out to help
in every way
that we we know….

but sometimes…
oh… sometimes….
they still will let go…

may there be peace
may there be calm
may there be freedom
from demons
in the heaven they found

we can give them our hearts
we open our homes
we can reach out to help
in every way
that we we know….

but sometimes…
oh… sometimes….
they still will let go…

as they live on with love
in our hearts minds and souls


These are very good lyrics. I would be very interested in setting them to music if that's OK with you @kahlo2013 I have some ideas and will post a demo when the song is finished.
I am with - at least close - @billwhite51 on not feeling like listening to AI but I read the words and this is strong, solid lyric.

Hope someone puts it to music.
i avoid anything connected to a robot, but i liked your lyric so much that i had to know if a robot could properly express such human setiments. no, it cant. it turns your words to mush. the reality of the situation is outside of the robotic sphere,