
by @strumandstress

Liner Notes



I know it causes tedium I never cared at all
I used to be a medium I’ve never been a small
But sadly overeating chocolate biscuits and fried bread
I’m never close to beating what they call middle aged spread

I know it isn’t good for me when gluttony takes charge
It’s plain for everyone to see I’m struggling in a large
I wonder if I have been cursed It’s something that I’ve felt
When all my buttons start to burst I’m loosening my belt

I need to join a slimming club to try to lose some weight
But sadly I enjoy my grub and like food on my plate
It’s terrible when you’re so fat You’re in a private hell
When in the store you go for that T shirt in size XL

And all the clothes that used to fit now feel a little tight
And all because I want a bit of cheese last thing at night
I’ve always something in my mouth I eat just like a pig
My diet plan has just gone south I guess I’ll end up big


This is great. lol While I'm on the very slim size, I suspect there will be many who can relate to this. Light, and humorous. Good singing and playing.