Isle of Wight

by @kahlo2013

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Liner Notes

#folk #uptempo #needsmusic #needscollab #collaborationswelcome #postcard
For the postcard challenge,
@marilisa sent me a great postcard from the Isle of Wight that included 7 photos and some bad puns, like Newton is one of its oldest towns, and Freshwater (the name of another town) that you can’t drink, Needles (a formation) that you can’t thread …. So I read more about this island in the England channel about 2 hours south of London… it has lovely beaches and cliffs, seaside dining, a castle, etc… now I amd dying to go visit! My lyrics don’t do it justice but I wanted to convey vacation fun that’s a little quirky… seriously a chairlift to a beach! How funky is that?

This is what I came up with as a lyric. I asked AI and o give an example music demo.


when you seek a beach
when you want to swim
when you need a wave
to go surfing in
take a short car ride
through the country side
find a ferry, drive inside
and go to the Isle…
Isle of Wight
yes that’s right!
go to the
Isle of Wight

home to poets and surfers
painters and dreamers
day trippers and tourists
lovers of salty sea mist

home to chairlifts on beaches
high cliffs and Needles
old Newtown and monkeys
lovers of quirky and funky

when you seek a beach
when you want to swim
when you need a wave
to go surfing in
take a short car ride
through the country side
find a ferry, drive inside
and go to the Isle…
Isle of Wight
stay the night!
go to the
Isle of Wight

is it a diamond or rhomboid?
I don’t really know
but it’s the jewel of the channel
you really ought to go!

when you seek a beach
when you want to swim
when you need a wave
to go surfing in
take a short car ride
through the country side
find a ferry, drive inside
and go to the Isle…
Isle of Wight
yes that’s right!
go to the
Isle of Wight


Lovely beach boys rock n roll song
Perfection! I only got home last week but your song makes me want to go back. Is it okay if I volunteer to do music for this? It feels fitting...

And I would totally recommend a visit to the Isle of Wight - it was our second holiday there, and we have fallen very much in love with it!