Marigold Never Goes Out

by @mandolinda

Marigold Never Goes Out

Liner Notes

#singersongwriter #titular #labourday #aging #sheezer
Just sitting around on a Friday night, thinking about some of my friends down the street at a retirement home. I used three titular titles and melded the ideas together to make this song lyric. Marigold Never Goes Out, Between the holidays, and lonely grandma


Marigold Never Goes Out

[Verse 1]
marigold never goes out shopping
but she knows the delivery vans
she waits by the window and watches
sipping chamomile tea from a can

she sits there and wonders, patiently
while knitting a row for the third time
should I wave hello, give a big smile
and be thankful for Amazon Prime

Every lonely grandma
waits for a visit
between the big holidays
once or twice would fill the void
but the family's so busy nowadays
the grandchildren are grown ups
with busy lives of their own
they might make an effort to call
but a hug's just not the same on a telephone

[verse 2]
marigold sits with the other grandmas
they keep each other company
most live their days in the very same fashion
as they pass some photos triumphantly

telling their stories around the circle
smiles slowly fade to a yearning gaze
as they take turns to regale the events
lost in the moments of long gone days

maybe tomorrow, we'll go visit the town
and have tea at the high street cafe
eat buttermilk scones with raspberry jam
treat ourselves like on a proper holiday

Every lonely grandma dreams of adventures,
like dancing under the moonlit rays.
cherishing the memories they hold so dear,
in the twilight of their golden days.

They yearn for the warmth of a heartfelt hug,
beyond the screens and digital haze.
And maybe one day, will come a knock on the door
with some hugs and laughter between the holidays.


I read the lyrics to this one earlier and knew I had to come back and hear it later. My mom has been in assisted living in Ohio for six months - my wife and daughter and I came from Florida and saw her a couple weeks ago.
What a lovely, touching song! Excellent lyrical detail. And that's some excellent picking, too!
Regarding your comment about having trouble synching your multiple tracks - when I record banjo and guitar (or in the case of the song you listened to, piano and guitar) usually I do the guitar and vocal first. The second track recorded as I listen to the guitar/vocal - banjo or piano or hand percussion - is often a tiny bit behind for various reasons. So I stretch the tracks (like zooming out) and nudge the second track ahead slightly. Hope that makes sense!
Anyway, awesome song of yours that really moved me.
This is so well written and performed, reminding us all of elderly. neglected relatives that would love more contact with their families and friends.
It's not always that easy to do but reverse the situation and consider how that feels.
An important message conveyed brilliantly!
ar waiting for god portrait! really nicely done, very descriptive reality
Yes. This describes the reality of the waning years for many. Great writing.
This is so tender and true and hits me in the heart as I think of my mom who is 87 sitting alone in her apartment… always hoping one of us will visit …. And visits are harder as she doesn’t see or hear well and and has a harder time moving …. We are worried to have her over as we are afraid of her falling but we know she wants to get out more …. maybe tomorrow … yes maybe tomorrow we will see her …