Do I Do

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


Do I do or don’t I do
I didn’t think I’d be with you
For when I saw you sit with him
My hopes were nothing but a whim

But there you were, I held out hope
And found that you had dumped that dope
I waited, didn’t swoop right in
But when I did, it was a win

Our first date wasn’t quite so grand
You didn’t really like the band
But when it came to number two
I found that any doubts were through

We took it easy, just at first
Some hesitation was the worst
You finally took my simple kiss
That filled me with the utmost bliss

So would you do, when I asked you
That we’d be one, no longer two?
Would we together share a life?
Would you accept and be my wife?

You did “I do,” and so did I
To single life we said goodbye
For nearly fifty we’ve been blessed
And looking forward to the rest


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