My Generation

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


You may see my generation
As a bunch of doddering fools
Change that now to veneration
Taking you now all to school

Baby boomers are my people
Forty-six to fifty-four
Many dare to call us sheeple
Hardly what you'd call hardcore

We're the last to face the draft
Many fought a wicked fight
Some came home and got the shaft
Some did not, eternal night

But for us that did not serve
For whatever reason we had had
It really took a lot of nerve
To stand up against what we thought was bad

Some turned to drugs as a relief
Turned on, tuned in and dropped out
They promoted that path as their belief
But failed to know what it was all about

Others found their way to playing
I found that my claim to fame
On this path I would be staying
Hoping to make myself a name

But my music dreams did fall though
Did not make it to the top
Wondering what chances I blew
Nevertheless I did not stop

Took up my guitar after a hiatus
Got those fingers good and sore
Wondered now if fame awaited
Was the dream stardom like before?

So my generation may have stumbled
Here and there along the road
But the hopes have never crumbled
We can still carry the load


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