The View From Here

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#instrumental #short #gentle #tootlestick
I will probably come back to this and develop it further.


I quite like this being short, sort of leaves you wanting more, like an introduction to a story as yet untold. Why are there no stars in the skies that night, was it cloudy or is the owner of that voice simply on a planet that doesn't have stars, or are we in a future where it own planet has no stars.....great tootlesticking as always
So affecting and effective...really beautiful!
YES, make it longer please! I really enjoyed this, such a great production and composition!!
I'm trying to budget my time spent here but had to drop in for a listen, your tunes are always such a treat. Love the sound-bite set-up and resolve, just enough narrative for the music to really soar. 🌟
I'd be interested in what you do to develop this one - I find it beautiful and haunting and love it at this length. I dig the sounds, both melodic and background, that suggest voices.