Through The Mist

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#flute #stargazerreverb #onetake #improvisation #instrumental #tootlestick
It wasn't a misty morning, but I started whistling the first few notes of this as Vinnie and I were coming through an old tunnel on our walk. I liked the ambience and recorded the four or five notes on my phone so I'd remember them (I'm old). Came home and it turned into this.


Recording notes, words, thoughts etc. on our phones, why wouldn't we. The phones are pretty much always in our pockets, there is no better use. Always admire a "one take", I guess when you have just pressed record and played so many times, you forget about being 'live', it's that old thing called practise again.
Love this. I completely relate to how inspiration can find you on a morning walk. Glad this happened for you (and the rest of us who got to hear it!)
it does sound like the kind of music one might hear from a lone flute player while walking through a tunnel.