Beer floating

by @villedog

Beer floating

Liner Notes

It's about one of the stupidest hobby. Guys get some rubber boats and beer and go floating on a river. When they are finished they leave all the cans and rubber and rubbish there.
Tried some rougher sounds on bass and guitar.


River of the small town
Lads of the small town

Do you know those fools
Thinking it's so cool
Floating, beer floating

Might be fun or less
Aftermath's a mess
Floating, beer floating


I like the difference between River of the small town and then Lads of the small town... so many contrasting connotations, implications, in the two things, all from the same place. Very cool. And the grungy sound, goes with the Lads being tough, and also all that trash trash trash that gets left behind.
I agree with @val on everything here. Nothing to add. And what's more. @villedog your vocals are good, I am going to have a suggestion for you... 😂
Beer floating I don’t have a problem with. It’s a thing. I get it. What I do have a problem with is, as you said, the trash left behind. I also have a problem with people getting drunk and being on the water and later in their vehicles driving home, cause that’s just dangerous and stupid. But dang this is cool song! Crunchy guitars, dirty bass, some and the musical break. Rock!