New Clothes

by @jeff9

Liner Notes

A really eager lyricist from the Muse Songwriters site (I'm trying to talk her into FAWMing) who has a zillion ideas and pretty nice flair for country material has, so far, had to rely on one of the Generative AI platforms to get her stuff musicated. I don't think she'd ever done a collaboration to get a sense of quite how to mold the structure of her lyrics to make them readily inviting to a musician. So I reached out and offered to sort of be a human AI for her if she could limit herself to writing something with a VVCVBC format. She slipped a fourth verse in on me, but it looked too good not to be worth tackling. After a few tweaks, this is what emerged.


Your New Clothes
Lyrics - Axl Hodge
Music - Jeff Walker

Oh how I tried to get your attention
Just a smile when you looked my way
My heart was starved and you played me so hard
You were only around
Every single payday

Bought you only the biggest and finest
Early on seeing you soar made my day
But as time goes on my will yea it won’t
Let me forget how quickly
Your love went away


Do your new clothes tell you they love you
Does that new car tell you it cares
Does that big house up on Sycamore St.
Start to worry when you’re late getting there
Does your phone and your ring
Yea that big shiny bling
Hold you close when you despair
Yea do your new clothes
Tell you they love you
When I did it got me nowhere

You treasured my gifts or I thought so
I couldn’t wait to fulfill all your dreams
But when I bought you a ring it seemed only to bring
On a hunger I never
Could learn out how to feed

Those designer clothes and a Lexus
Then the house I’m still working to own
You moved in your stuff, but the going got tough
Now I sleep in the basement
On a couch all alone

Repeat Chorus


So am I the one to blame
Because you only played a game
Getting all you could then leaving me broke
Yes your soul it didn’t care
Who you hurt, what was fair
In the end you laughed
Like it all was a joke

(Repeat chorus)


Do your new clothes tell you
They love you
‘Cause my heart is telling me to let you go

Great out of my house
But go right ahead
and wear those clothes


Really classic sound to it and great production (also pass on to Axl that the lyrics sound spot on)
I can see why you wanted to turn these lyrics into a terrific country song...your voice is so good and the arrangement is spot on...
Great listen!
now that is a lyric to reckon with and you have brilliantly given it musical life. the hook line is fabulous and when it breaks out as the first line of the chorus, the song sweeps the listener up into country music heaven.
So kind of you to help her out. When I took my first songwriting class from Pat Pattison, he taught all the ins and outs of "staying true to the language," rhyme schemes, POV, line length, and everything imaginable when it comes to words. Except how to write it to music. That stumped me and one reason I turned to EDM - didn't need a guitar and lyrics were sparse. Thankfully, I've improved on my skills, have better tools, and this community, which has helped me to grow.

Anyway, this is classic country that you do so well. One of my favorites!