Ping - A Fractal 一Ꜫӿꝓƺᶉḭꬱἦꞓƺ一

by @candle

Liner Notes

#ambient #fractal #一sýƶýģý一 #tracker #tracker一song #matilde一tracker #samples #freesound一dot一org #jeskola #jeskola一buzz #tag一resistance


Well, this was too much fun, even tho I've been working on this off/on for days!

The image above is the main source of the sound used on this track. This 3D Fractal from the Mandelbulber set was created using Fracal Labs. I then processed the image through an image to audio converter to generate the ambient noise that is the background of this track. Various samples from were then used to flesh out the rest of the song. All audio was played back in Jeskola Buzz via a set of Matilde Tracker 3 machines, making this a wonderful Tracker song. Rendered it out of Buzz, converted to MP3 in Audacity & uploaded for your pleasure. Please enjoy.

The whole idea was to create a song based on a Fractal. I believe I achieved that goal. Next step in this idea is to create a 3D Fractal Animation & to improvise live-to-tape in real-time as I watch the animation. We'll see when I get a chance to do that… 😆

Until then,

See You In The Shadows…


Jeskola Buzz

This song is released under the Creative Commons CC0 License (Public Domain). Do with it as you will.


Very cool atmosphere, swirls and shifts set a dark mood, full of a sense of being on edge!
That's quite a fractal picture.
You know how much I love weird experimentation, so of course I love this a lot.
The sound of nanotech insects burrowing beneath my skin.
So weird.
So good.
Ah, here it is! Very interesting. In the beginning, it sounds like the mind of Hal 9000 (or of some other AI I won't name, haha).
The harmonies that are created along the path are fascinating. Hadn't had know what kind of experiment it was, I would have enjoyed the weird feel and the sense of vastness that I'm getting -- but I know I'm listening to an image, and the feeling I'm getting is even more powerful.
Brilliant, Darby.
Wow this is unique. I am blown away to think the picture can generate these sound waves. It feels earthy and really tribal. Would not be out of place in an Olympic opening ceremony.
This is so cool!! I love fractals (I drafted a novel about them once lol). I love this idea. After all, music is mathematics! This is such a neat sound. You can hear the fractal separation, the repetition of it all. It's so cool!!!! And I love how you brought it all together, really lovely composition.