here isn't here

by @nahlej381

Liner Notes

#instrumental #moody


Funky! Love it! ❤️
some really interesting instrument choices around a good steady progression and melody - not the obvious ones which makes it much more interesting! pretty guitar as well!
Love that falling phrase!
Man speaking the gospel with that guitar.
Synth lead pleading.
That faint piano panned to the left is a great touch.
Really love the feel of this.
And then there's the bit that feels like one is slightly losing it at the thought of here not being being HERE. The whole melody feels like an "oh well, I'm here now, though"
Mood conveyed.
Really cool. That synth took it in a direction I wasn’t expecting. Really like the guitar playing. The whole thing feels mellow but in an intoxicated way
Now hold on u all....that's some fine guitar playing. Some jazzy chords over that cool drum track and an amazing melody. This is late night listening in NY city on a hot summer's night.
I love the vibes here! I appreciate the creative percussion rhythms. Beautiful guitar work, and the echo makes for a neat spacey effect. I can imagine I'm at a blues bar in the Andromeda galaxy.... Really magnificent work!