Graphite Shores ❤️

by @candle

Liner Notes

#post一rock #loops #一sýƶýģý一 #improvisation #improv #one一take #live一to一tape #jeskola #jeskola一buzz #tag一resistance


Well, I'm quite pleased with this one. There were a few little mis-steps along the way, but in the end it worked out. I'm still ironing out some of the performance methodology kinks, but it is getting smoother/better. So I'm very happy with that.

Stratocaster played live-to-tape in one take with no overdubs in post. Extra bonus that I built this beyond my usual Am tonalities… 😀 Tho, some of those quasi-exotic scales crept in. It's all good, tho…

Yep, this one's a keeper for sure. Had the image of a dark shoreline in my mind as I played, hence the name. I thought the image above (c/o Pixabay) was fitting.

See You In The Shadows…

2000 Fender Deluxe Stratocaster
DigiTech Grunge Pedal
Behringer FCB1010 MIDI Foot Controller
Behringer UMC404HD Audio Interface
Candle's "Live" Jeskola Buzz Project
Plectrum: Clear Yellow Jim Dunlop 2.0mm Ultex Sharp

This song is released under the Creative Commons CC0 License (Public Domain). Do with it as you will.


Sets a strong mood right away, very engaging, can feel the scenery and panning over things as the sound changes.
I love this! That effect at the beginning is so cool. I can definitely see the shore line, the dunes, the tide pools. The building complexity of loops carries so much momentum. The line that comes in around 2:45 feels like striking off on an adventure. I like the outro, like a drop off the jetty. Really beautiful work, as always!