Train To Somewhere

by @engebretsen

Train To Somewhere

Liner Notes

Lyrics (deleted)
Music and vocal: @engebretsen

@engebretsen : I love this lyrics that is written by (deleted)
Demo 1. Pardon my english as a scandinavian. Not been singing for a long time now. Can be better. But I think this is going somewhere. There are some details in some sounds that I could not remove by now. The bassline has some clicking noise etc etc... But anyway I think I made a solid version of this. And when a real englishman sings this, I think it can be quite good. Johns: I hope you enjoy it.


Train To Somewhere
Lyrics by (deleted)

Gazing through the window
The train is moving fast
City lights are rushing by
My life is going passed

Across the centre aisle
I see her sitting there
Wonder where she’s going to
And if she even cares

Strangers moving down the line
Two souls waiting for a sign
On a train to somewhere
Not caring when we get there

A smile, a spark, a little wave
The connection we both crave

Strangers moving down the line
Two souls waiting for a sign
On a train to somewhere
Not caring when we get there

City lights fade to fields
The world outside a blur
Smiling eyes and touching hands
On a train to somewhere

Strangers moving down the line
Two souls waiting for a sign
On a train to somewhere
Not caring when we get there


Groovy bassline in this one, your vocals go well with the track and have a good melody!
Cool song and really nice arrangement and performance. Nothing wrong with your English either. To my taste at least! There is no correct way to sing or speak it as it is a lingua franca and in any case in art there are no rules anyway.
The feeling mood of this tune is really pretty cool little spooky. Sounds like you're on a train going somewhere not sure where though. But I like the arrangement it was pretty cool thanks.
Cool write! Amazing how smoothly it intertwines with the music. Fab life in this tune that brings with it fine pictures of train travel and the main character noticing another passenger. Dug the beat, vocals, and nuanced sounds in this one. All nicely gels.