No Public

by @edwardsmusic

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I was inspired to write this after reading a quote by Cyril Connolly; "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self". This is a reflection on that quote. I wrote this piece quite quickly, in about 10 minutes.



Better to write for yourself and have no public
Than to write for the public and have no self

My songs have no comments
My videos have no views
My tweets get 0 likes
My mailbox has no news
But I don't care

I am free to express myself
That's fine at the end of the day
As long as I like it
It doesn't matter what you say

No public
No public

I write what I wish
Work served on a dish
Just food for thought
Here's some advice I've sought

So we continue to say

No public
No public


what a class quote mate. and youve done it justice with this let me know if you do music.
Funny, a friend of mine from another site said first and foremost you have to please yourself first. While I wouldn't disagree with what he said, there's no way to know how many views each song or lyric gets at least here, but if you can reach somebody whether they post or not here or elsewhere, then that too is what it's about. You might be surprised in who you reach. It may be a message, a line, a section, a phrase and you wouldn't even know it in some cases. Speaking of phrases, that one you quoted I wouldn't agree with regarding the second half. "Than to write for the public and have no self". The public meaning those who look at, listen to, view and even comment do not define the self. Being invisible comes in shades even to those passing over something. Lol I look at the general public like a vacuum. You wouldn't want to get completely sucked in.