Slow Down

by @kim_otcj

Liner Notes

There's been some talk about Slothcore in the forums, so I thought I'd make an attempt. (This is actually one of two attempts.) I don't know if I hit the 30 to 40bpm limit, but I played as slow as I could.
#rock #slothcore


Always in a rush
But you don't know where you're going
It's always: "Hurry up and wait"
Cos you don't know what you're doing

Slow down
You're going nowhere very fast
You spin your wheels, not knowing
The purpose of your task

What's really so urgent?
It's all just busy work
And the rush impresses no one
Why lives in the real world

Slow down

When you reach the end
Look back on how you rushed
Will you think that it was worth
The stress and the fuss?


Cool take on #slothcore 😄 Love the #blues / #country feel fusing with the slow pace of #slothcore. Lovely lyrics. Oh, & I love the colours of the guitars & bass. Sweet!

See You In The Shadows…
Kinda slothcore/old school country blues. Great lyrics. Kudos.