Don't Worry. Take it Easy

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Don't (@catmisgivings)

Liner Notes

So, first I was about to compose something terribly sad, then I thought: enough sad pieces, Nadia. Come on. Here comes Nadia's humour, if it exists LOL. Anyway, here is my little ballet dance or perhaps music to animation? Don't worry, be happy idea, or take it easy, or don't worry too much. It's enough worry as is, isn't it? And it's 3 am. I need to take myself off computer. I'll be back listening after my snooze :) Oh, if anyone is happy to collaborate on this little number, please let me know. And, of course, as always, thank you for listening and commenting.

#skirmish #instrumental #ballet #animation #collaborationswelcome


I really enjoy how this evolves and transforms. I love the grace notes creating the bouncy fun feel.
I like the evolution from awkward to smooth. It’s like it starts out showing someone trying to hide how much effort is going into something. This could be the soundtrack for a sequence showing someone learning to skate, for example.
i love your choice to do something joyful with the prompt :) the loping chords underpinning the piece give it this sense of bounding motion.
This does like a ballet and it's very classic in that way. Lovely!
Yes, please get some sleep Nadia! Brilliant musical minds need sleep too!

I like the musical laughter in the song around 50 seconds and onwards a lot! I can see a ballet dance with pretend falls and such to this piece of music. Delightful, Nadia. Thank you for creating this!