All These Wrinkles

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Lines (@lyricslinger)

Liner Notes

I couldn't resist using my first thought. Initially I decided to go with another direction and I just had an idea of lines=wrinkles. So after my rock, or not, composition, I went back to my initial idea. I composed my music under an hour but spent ages trying to find a suitable photo. Anyway, here it is. Thank you for listening and sharing your thoughts. Please let me know if you are interested in collaborating with me. I'm able to take away the melody if you would like it as an accompaniment to your singing. My idea was to share my thoughts on having the wrinkles which represent my passion for life and not using any make-up, being true to my nature. You might hear another story as instrumentals are open to suggestions.

#lines #wrinkles #instrumental #skirmish #collaborationswelcome

'All These Wrinkles' © 2024 Nadia Cripps, Music, Keyboard and Demo by Nadia Cripps.


I really love how this flows and brings in so much emotion and feeling. Really lovely as the music tells a story of time.
Doesn't sound like a keyboard at all! Pretty music; a vaguely mediaeval feel to it, which is really nice.