Are We Grateful for Our Journey of Life​?

by @musicsongwriter

Liner Notes

From time to time I hear that someone said to the parents that he/she/they didn't ask to be born. Some time ago someone in India even took his parents to the court as he believed that his rights were taken away from him when he was born. How did his parents give him birth when he didn't ask for it? Personally I find it terribly sad when people feel this way and as far as I understand, it can lead to depression or be a sign of depression but it's a very complex issue. I thought, perhaps we could create something about either this situation, or how we personally feel about being born. Are we happy that we exist? Are we grateful to our parents? Do we wish we didn't exist/live in a different time/were born in a different place? There are many aspects we can think about. I grew in a family where life was always cherished and considered as a great gift. I appreciate that people can feel very differently about being born. This question seems to have been on minds for centuries. The link to the forum thread is I'm looking forward to lyrics/instrumentals/songs about this subject.

The title of my composition was suggested by AI.

My music is open to collaborations. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you for listening and commenting.

#beingborn #acoustic #collaborationswelcome

Are We Grateful for Our Journey of Life?' © 2024 Nadia Cripps, Music, Piano and Demo by Nadia Cripps.


Hearing your piano playing is always so pleasant. I like how I can hear the ambient room. It's better than any effect or plug in anyone could put on a sound. Just perfect.
Very beautiful Nadia. Uplifting in concert with your written words.
Very reflective and I'm thinking about how my Mom's doctor told her not to have any more children (she had 5), but she had me anyway and I'm glad she and Dad did. Lovely and thoughtful!