Split Personality

by @esc4p3

Liner Notes

Right, I need you to be honest with me! This one nearly broke me.

I came up with the basic rhythm a couple of weeks ago, and I kept adding bits to it, and bits to it. But for some reason getting it all in time has been an issue, it is like they are ideas for different tracks that I have wedged into one track. Are the timings in the track inspired, or just rubbish! The other issue is that I could barely play what my brain wanted to, so I had to get all the tools out of the toolbox, practise playing my own piece....slow the track down so I could play it and then do a fair bit of piano-roll editing to line stuff up, or not!

There is a lot going on here that's for sure. "Split personality" is how I felt a bit, partly felt like giving up (not seriously), partly wanted to get some unusual sound in there, which creeps up near the end, always needing to be a bit different.

I was partly inspired by an artist called Havasi, who does some drums and piano music, I really like it, hence this one gained drums also.

I mostly loved the whole process, because having to drag a project into existence means you learn so much about making music, and indeed how not to do it. Well, anyway, here it is....

ps. I'm off on holiday for a bit, will be offline but back at the end of August šŸ˜Ž

Used to make this track:
Reaper DAW
NI Session Strings Pro 2, Woodwind Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Alicias Keys, Session Drummer, Electric Vintage Guitar

#orchestral #experimental


Sounds great dude! Just remember that ā€œin timeā€ doesnā€™t directly translate to ā€œon-gridā€ā€¦donā€™t trip about playing around the grid, thatā€™s where the magic is.
I think the polyrhythmic exchanges between the strings mixed with that break style beat is super ill. This might be my fave so far!
As the former co-section leader of the drum line 25 years ago, I can professionally say these poly rhythms are definitely inspired. I love the syncopation between the two different string sections. When the drums kick in it adds a whole other layer. This is so damn good.
The complexities add another dimension to an already outstanding track. And I love how the drums come in at a point that shows me that my ear was fooled by the initial rhythm of the piece. It builds really nicely, holding my attention. And that ending! I felt like I'd missed the bottom step coming downstairs!
I like the Orchestral sections and the powerful drums. The timing sounds good to me.
I really like the delayed synth bits toward the end.