Cowboy Somm - Jingle

by @wondertruly

Cowboy Somm - Jingle

Liner Notes

#country #collab
Howdy, good people of 50/90! I come to you with a marvelous collaboration between my friend Shane Scarazzini and myself. We were hired to make a jingle for this fella whose brand is the Cowboy Somm, a sommelier whose quest is to find the finest wines in the lesser known parts of the country. Check him out here:

This hasn't gone live yet, so all y'all keep nice and quiet about this! ;) Thanks for listening!

PS - I released an album of songs I've written in the last couple of months! These are all voice memos I cleaned up a little, so I'm offering it FOR FREEEEEEE! Go get it!

Check out Shane's work here:


He’s roaming through the prairies & hills, vast & wide
With badges on his hat, he’s gonna taste the finest wine
He’s gathering his stories like the grapes from the vine
So clink a glass and toast to this cowboy on his ride

He’s a cowboy sommelier, on a cabernet holiday
Zinfandel, Malbec, and Merlot
Pinots, ports, and chardonnay, this is your tipsy serenade
It’s a hurrah Syrah everywhere he goes

He’s a cowboy somm
It’s his cowboy song
Yippee-Kai-Yay, Hurray!

Napa Valley’s got its charm, but he’s going to the little farms
Don’t you know the hidden gems lie off the beaten path
Mom & Pops & Lesser Knowns keep the wagon rolling
You see where this is going, we’ll let you do the math

He’s a cowboy sommelier, on a cabernet holiday
Zinfandel, Malbec, and Merlot
Pinots, ports, and chardonnay, this is your tipsy serenade
It’s a hurrah Syrah everywhere he goes

He’s a cowboy somm
It’s his cowboy song
Yippee-Kai-Yay, Hurray!

He’s a cowboy somm
It’s his cowboy song
Yippee-Kai-Yay, Hurray!


I liked this from the get-go! And "It's a hurrah, Syrah everywhere he goes." Great vibe and love the Yee-Haw.
Fun and catchy! Classic light country, really well done.