It knows

by @esc4p3

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I read a really good article today about social media, particularly Facebook, and how their algorithm is designed to keep you on their site looking at stuff and generating advertising revenue for them. They constantly push more stuff your way that they think what you will like and it leads you down that rabbit hole. We've all been there and whilst I was out thinking about the article and walking the dogs, these words started forming.

So although I've named Google, it could be one of many different sites that operate this way. Not sure it is a song, but maybe it is!

Edit: the massive irony here, is that I try to avoid searching for rhyming words on the internet and instead think of my own or change the words around until some thing fits. However, I did have to Google words that rhymed with Google, because all I could think of, in the moment, was noodle 😆



What is the capital of Sweden
Who starred in that movie
How long is the wall of China
What fish is used in Sushi

How does the brain work
What is global warming
How tall is a Giraffe
What exactly is brainstorming

Google knows
Google knows it all
Google is your friend
Google is the latest trend

Do we need to remember things
Or just get out our ‘phone
Useless facts that fill our heads
With everything that's ever been known

Sitting at the dinner table
Whilst driving in the car
Google is with us every day
Constantly raising the knowledge bar

We are the product not the customer
All this knowledge comes at a price
Google knows you and your habits
Google has you in their sights

Google knows
Google knows it all
Google is your friend
Google is the latest trend

It listens to your conversations
It holds all your data
There’s nothing that it doesn’t know
From Calcutta through to Jamaica

Google knows
Google knows it all
Google is your friend
Google is the latest trend

Can I live a single day without the help it brings
To quell that huge desire to know all the things
But soon my brain will be quite full
There will be nothing more to know
And despite my jokes and seeming disapproval
Soon I'll know everything too, and might just rival Google

Google knows
Google knows it all
Google is your friend
Google is the latest trend


The rhythm inherent in these lyrics would lend themselves to any number of genres, even a spoken word piece. And I love the message!