Late night vibes

by @tunecat

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

A lyric started from a skirmish/challenge prompt ( actually #badsongclub) but using its inspiration from the folk festival vibes . I think this is based on wandering into the Bedford pub in Sidmouth and sitting at the table with people on a session. Met Ohil on guitar who also sang a few songs
I sadly didn’t quite finish the song and tidied up last lines just now ( sidmouth folk festival finoshed last week) when I finally get round to setting it we’ll see what is retained or added to


Late night vibes

Late night vibes are going down
Late night vibes are all around
Late night vibes oh yeah they’re here
Late night vibes are loud and clear.

I wandered in and saw them then
A posse gathered here and when
I joined them it felt right you know
The music and the company. Go

To the bar and get a drink
It’s ‘otter beer’ at least I think
So. Now I’ve had a few too many
But it’s all good I’m so relaxed and when he

Played guitar and sang it was so great
We’re all just letting go - our souls vibrate
Such feeling coming through the years
The author’s story through the singer reappears.

Late night vibes are going down
Late night vibes are all around
Late night vibes oh yeah they’re here
Late night vibes are loud and clear.

And ring out bellow and cut through this
our apathy to give us grief and hope and bliss
The tales of ordinary life and ways to go
Through trials and changes with more than woe.


I really love the last stanza and the catchy chorus. The cadence and rhymes work well. It sings off the page.
I like how some of your rhymes were split phrases between lines. Cool write!