Sweetie Pie

by @chris_buono

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

While I was on a bus that was stopped at a red light, a beautiful woman started crossing the street and yelling and cursing back at a man on the sidewalk (who appeared to be her boyfriend/husband), just as a priest walked by her in the crosswalk and I made a mental note of it all as the bus drove on as the light turned green.

Now, when thinking of my next lyric to pen for this 50/90, I recalled that scenario, mixed and matched those players, their situations, and wrote "Sweetie Pie."

#ballad #indiefolk #folk #indierock #rock #collaborationswelcome #needscollab #needsmusic #needsvocals



We didn't get off to a fast start
Always took our relationship in stride
But somewhere along that ride
Something changed the tide

Three cherished words I never spoke before
Somehow stopped their way from my lips
A lesser man would regret that now
But something my story just won't allow

Candy could curse with the best of them
Put many men's words to shame
Still she knew, for her I'd die
And she'd always be my sweetie pie

The one I loved had a mouth like a sewer
Vocal vomit spewed from it
Her physical beauty, though impeccable
Cursing made her less respectable

How could I
A man once of the cloth
Ever take this woman as my bride?
Call me crazy or what you will, a man of foolish pride

Sometimes it's not what you say
But how, indeed, you say it
And silence is a virtue, too

Candy could curse with the best of them
Put many men's words to shame
Still she knew, for her I'd die
And she'd always be my sweetie pie


ooh! An interesting situational lyric that paints a vivid picture of an unusual scenario. Good idea for a write. Sounds like Candy was really cursing!