Bit Off More Than I Could Chew

by @songwritingzen · @cindyrella

Liner Notes

@cindyrella suggested I give this lyric a go and when I read the lyric it reminded me of a guitarist I used to play with who always had 2-3 woman on the go. We played a gig one night where all three women he had going showed up. I got my popcorn out ready for some fireworks but he managed to keep them all happy and my metaphorical popcorn was wasted. Anyways, I digress... This was a fun song to put down :)
#countryish #countryrock #infidelity


Bit Off More Than I Could Chew
© 2024 Cindy Prince

I was warned
I couldn't pull it off
I was told
But all I did was scoff
I knew better
Or so I thought
Seems you were right
I got caught

Playing two women
One on each hand
I had the time
And I had a plan
I did it for a while
Thought success was mine
But they both found out
I went over the line

I bit off more than I could chew
I thought I was suave and I thought I knew
How to make them both happy
But man I'm telling you
I bit off more than I could chew...can chew

I have a confession
I've learned my lesson

From now on it's only one
I'll focus on her
I'll stop looking for more
She'll be my cure
Don't want more games
Didn't like that last mess
Now if anyone will have me
Is anybody's guess

Repeat chorus


This tune caught me from the first note. Nice rock and piece of music there dude. Very relatable concept. Great words great music great job
Love the rocking feel to this and the great catchy hook! Wonderful delivery! The lyrics flow so well and am glad this guy gets some insight! Fun hook! Awesome vocals and lead guitar!
Had to stop by after seeing the title. This ticked all my boxes.. great guitar riff(s), harmonies and a toe tapping song. Just an excellent job ! Great lyrics @cindyrella ...classic! The dynamic duo are on the stage...MIC drop!
Bam! This sounds like it should be on the radio! I love your story about that guitarist! Everybody has to listen! Fabulous! You are a master! Thank you!!