Akward - Set Apart

by @lamerabbit


Liner Notes

I hate it but it had to happen. Singing at home feels so akward now after quite a lot time at rehearsal studio as holding oneself back on not causing too much noise etc. feels really shitty after getting used not doing it. The title had nothing to do with this akwardness, just happened to have a lyric I had not yet posted and had to push one piece of shit out in order to opening the game again after some break. Unfortunately for my 50/90 goal I have not been taking a real break, just doing other music stuff and still feel like all I need is a break :) but who says I should allow myself go lazy-easy.


We've been London Bridged
Natural born fools
getting ditched
Feeling like low quality tool

Set apart
The way i like to be

The mood
Got down
Low, really low
To pitch and dour

..we knew a hard homily
Was about to land
And we felt like a family
No one could understand

Set apart
The way i like to be

The mood
Got down
Low, really low
To pitch and dour


Boom! Love this in you face rocker! Lyrics leave a lot space for personal interpretation, but the general theme of being let down, not fitting the norm, and shared hardship are pretty universal, and I can identify with that. But did I say how hard this rocks? Cuz it's cool!!!