Oh, That Crack

by @phylo

Oh, That Crack

Liner Notes

We're going on the 6th week of a bathroom renovation here at Casa phylo. It's challenging, Butt, it seems I got another song out of it...
#folk #acoustic #silly #singersongwriter #harmonica


Day starts early breakin' dawn
Sweat and grime, but I carry on
Building dreams with every nail
No escape from this worker's tale

Butt don't look now, Oh, my eyes!
Blinded by that pale moonlight
It might be the plumber's pride
Butt, there ain't no place to hide

Oh the crack of that worker's ass
That nasty image will last and last
Like a big old moon in the middle of the day
You can't unsee it,
You can't think it away

Lunchbox open, break is short
Chat and laugh in the parking lot
Work boots heavy with dirt and clay
No escape, it's just another day

Hard hats on with a big ol' smile
We all have to share once in a while
Somethings you should keep to yourself
Is that a breeze you might have felt?

Oh the crack of that worker's ass
That nasty image will last and last
Like a big old moon in the middle of the day
You can't unsee it,
You can't think it away

End of shift the sun's goin' down
Moon comes up over the little town
Nightmares of construction worker's pants
Coverin' my eyes with both of my hands

Oh the crack of that worker's ass
That nasty image will last and last
Like a big old moon in the middle of the day
You can't unsee it,
You can't think it away


Way to turn lemons into lemons into lemonade! Hope your reno gets finished sooner than later. I appreciate your humorous take on your situation. The harmonica was a nice touch! Hang in there and look away 😬
Oh man, I went through a six month bathroom renovation this year (largely because I foolishly decided to do large parts myself). So your liner note hit hard. Maybe less so the whole butt crack thing, as I guess that would have involved some kind of complicated mirror setup in my case. Really enjoyed this one anyway, completely cracked me up.
You could always grab some grout and spackle it? Thanks to you I just started my day with humor! Thanks. Enjoyed this!
It wouldn't be construction without a little crack. 😀 It is true that you will never be able to unsee that. Funny tune. I like the harmonica and guitaring with the classic sounding melody. The harmonies in the chorus make it complete.