Remembrance SJW 92-24

by @mrtylerlarson

Remembrance SJW 92-24

Liner Notes

Written & Recorded on Aug. 9, 2024 by Mr. Tyler Larson

I composed this piece after learning that a college friend committed suicide earlier this month. She was one of the brightest lights and biggest personalities that I knew. Events were ALWAYS better for me when she was in attendance. I'm without words. I feel like I "got" her energy and I feel like she "got" mine. We certainly weren't best friends by any stretch of the imagination, but we sure had a blast when we were in the same vicinity. Years passed and we stayed in touch thanks to social media. We'd snap back and forth a few times a year.

She ended things earlier this month -shortly after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I wish I could've shared with her that I had a late diagnosis for bipolar type 2. I don't know that it would've changed the trajectory of anything, but at least she would know that she had company.

I just feel paralyzed. Truly a shock. This one's for you, Sarah.


That's a tough one to deal with, but this is a lovely song to remember your friend by. Sorry this happened.