The Eye of Destiny

by @cbmagic · @brohachomuchacho

The Eye of Destiny
cbmagic +1

Liner Notes

I took a different take on his song. I thought a duet would do it justice. Let me know what you think.


If we are to hold
We might make it through this cold

Knowing when to tow the line
While the planets realign

Where the hunters scream in meadows
Where the children will survive

Ghosts of people haunt the shadows
And theyre begging me to die

Will this pain just disappear,
In the hour of our tears?

Struggling to seldom see
Through the eye of destiny!

With somber hearts we carry on
Seeking out that faithful sun

And if we go where I can see
Another place for you and me!


Lovely, almost has a Disney quality to it. Maybe because of the trading vocals and the chord sequence.
woah this is interesting. did you use the original melodies or make your own? because i couldnt make out any of the melodies i wrote. also i saw on your profile that you experiment with AI voices (which i have no problem with), but i could immediately recognize that it was AI even before reading your bio, which took me out of it quite a bit. ive used AI a lot for other things and lemme tell you, if you really wanna get good quality out of an AI you either need to get one of the nice fancy ones that cost money or put a lot of work shaping and constructing it at damn near every step of the way with layers upon layers of different generated takes all mashed together to make a cohesive whole. nonetheless this was a mindfuck for sure, mainly because you turned it into a very happy sounding song when it's supposed to be more melancholy, but cool shit nonetheless!
This is gorgeous. Your voices are wonderful together. The music perfectly matches the feel of the lyrics. What terrific collab!