Echoes of Wasteland

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Garbage (@atornberg)


Thank you for the inspiration. Of course, I went to my usual nostalgic direction. Thank you for listening and commenting.

#skirmish #nostalgia #acoustic
'Echoes of Wasteland' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Piano and Demo by Nadia Cripps.

Update: Collaboration with @marthie is posted on


Wow! Amazing work. Love what you did. Some ideas I had for this…Echoes of wasteland

Where is the water
Where is the life
Where is the better things we wanted
The green and blue
Days and sky
Are they all
Are they
Are they all gone?
What if we can get them back

Hear the echoes
To and back
Of the wasteland
Flowing towards the ocean
Polluting our world
be great with video of someone reflection. not sad or happy just how it is/was lovely piece of music
Very beautiful and definitely has a nostalgic feel to it. I can imagine it playing in a film as a character looks back in black and white at their past
nostalgic yes, but this one gives a little more power behind the melody. I see a post-apocalyptic wasteland with garbage instead of tumbleweed.
This makes me think of what man has done to this beautiful earth. Poignant and wonderful!