Murder Salad

by @roblyon5150

NSFW Challenge: Descending Chords

Liner Notes

**WARNING: DARK HUMOR ALERT** I don't condone murder, or think it's funny. This is just what came out of my head at the time.
I've been in a writing rut for several days. But finally got something that didn't make me want to quit writing altogether.
It needs a chorus or something. I'll revise it down the road. Maybe add a sole or something to lengthen it


Murder Salad

Murder is pure
Murder is free
Murder is fun
And so easy.
We got a million victims on the run
I gotta get one

Murder is old, it just makes sense.
If it's in my house, it's self defense.
Cain killed abel
And God forgave.
Can't we all just be that way?

Murder’s exciting, it’s a rush.
Gets my adrenaline up so much
my testosterone’s high as hell
Just to have that power over someone else.

It’s just natural selection.
One more step in evolution.
Pulling that trigger gives me an erection
There is no cure for my aggression.

Let’s get violent.
Lets get hostile
And go commit some manslaughter’l
Its going to be a lot of fun
Get a knife and grab a gun.



@billwhite51 just standard tuning. Thank you so much for listening!
i like those crazy guitars. what tuning are you in?