I Remember

by @kim_otcj

Liner Notes

This is for my punk album. I wanted something slower and grindier to go in between two faster songs. The hardest thing for me about 50/90 is trying to make all the songs sound different from each other.
#rock #punk


I remember...
I have nothing left but memories
Of you and me
And the things we used to do
In all those places
That have since been lost to time
And all the things
That were once yours and mine

Now it's gone
And it's not coming back
Even so
I remember
We moved on
I know the reason why
But even so, I remember

And sometimes
I get lost in nostalgic thoughts
Some little things
Remind me of something we shared
It didn't last
And it does no good to wonder why
But I confess
I still miss the times we shared


Nicely connected lyric with relationship woes, yesteryear, and troubled optimism. Interesting in song that I heard more like rock ballad than punk, nonetheless cool.
I really love that bass line! Your vocal delivery is great, I especially love the rhythm you chose for the lyrics. That instrumental break was fun! This song feels nostalgic in an optimistic way, which I appreciate in punk. Really awesome work here!