If We Meet One More Time

by @francesc

Skirmish: One More (@scubed) Challenge: Refrain (No Chorus)

Liner Notes

I like writing choruses and I've never tried writing a refrain, so this was a challenge! Took me more than an hour.
The ending could use some work, but I'll think of more ideas for it in the future.


If we meet one more time
in some cafe, while waiting in line
I’d find a way to let you know that
I always wished to see you again

If we meet one more time
an unlikely gift from the divine
I’d tell you before the meeting ends that
I just want to be friends again

But I know you’ll probably ignore me
After all, I’m just another bit of past
I know you always found me boring
You must’ve forgotten me so fast

If we meet one more time
I want you to know, I’m finally fine
I’m not disposable, you simply chose to let me go
and how you treated me does not define my worth

If we meet one more time
I’ll extend my hand, and you’ll decline it
I’ll stand there and smile, but just for a moment
I won’t beg for love again in this lifetime


I think the idea you have for the ending is great. Not begging for love. Nice use of the refrain too. Good job!
The piano is very enjoyable. The lyrics are great. Is ‘if we meet one more time’ first line brings a familiar feel to each verse.
A haunting write just as much as it is sorrowful, filled with pain, and weaved with triumph. Complicated formula here that you aced!

Dug the piano play simplicity and straightforward vocals--they captured so well the emotions of the storyteller and revealed so genuinely the tale and feelings at hand. The time that you say you put into this lyric, I say, paid off. Well done all around!