
by @ttg105

Liner Notes

#bass #heavy

A man becomes one with New York City, and it's not pleasant. I often felt like this when I lived there!


My legs are in perpetual motion
running from the guy with the knife
and the guy with the gun
and the policeman

And I'm sinking into the sidewalk
dissolving into the smoggy air
merging with the skyscrapers
becoming one with the newspaper stands

My eyes are flashing lights
and my mouth emits the sirens' call
my head is a manhole cover
my hands are granite blocks

My body's turned to litter
cigarette butts and broken bottles of beer
as the concrete swallows me up
at last, city and man are one


Super great lyrics here.
Nice doubled vox; works really well.
That relentless percussion makes me feel like I'm being repeatedly hit in the head.
Which, I imagine, is what it's like living in a city.
Perfect tags for this one.
I'm liking the distorted Fripp guitar solo.
This is hypnotic and Droney and so excellent.
(Wasn't Droney one of the Seven Dwarves??)
Nice gritty punk sound to it. The alternative percussive 'bass drum' sound is a cool unique touch - the strangled feedback guitar sounds gave it a bit of a Beatles feel towards the end.
Super cool boom spit boom vibe! Not a fan of big cities. Worked in San Francisco in the 80s - crazy times! You’ve captured it well!
the music captures that feeling of living in nyc (circa 1980s) when i was there. and the lyrics, while not literal, come pretty close to illustrating what happens both physically and mentally when living in the city. somtimes you do feel like your "body's turned to litter
cigarette butts and broken bottles of beer."
Wow! That sounds fantastic! How have you made this bass sound so deep and like it is played in an oil tank. I like all those street noises which perfectly match with the music. Great beat. Sounds like somebody playing on the oil tank where that bass is inside.

And the lyrical idea is also brilliant! I can picture a man becoming one with the city.

To me it‘s one of your best songs this summer yet! Grandios!