Should I Be Worried?

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#altoflute #tootlestick #instrumental #onetake #improvisation #meditative #inchindownoiltankreverb
Early morning improv with a (virtual) visit to the Inchindown Oil Tanks, courtesy of Convology XT and a free impulse response file.


This is SO chill. You sent me to Wikipedia to learn about the Inchindown Oil Tanks. Never heard of them before, but now I can't forget them. Glad I found this.
Ahhhh, the tanks. Just hearing the music and reading the liner notes, takes me down underground with your flute sound and the stark environment of the tanks. A feeling of that sound kind of envelops me as I listen. Great improv!
I wonder if you have exceeded the reverberation level of the Inchindown Oil Tanks reverb. i wouldnt be surprised if you have painstakingly matched it exactly.