Portrait of a Serial Killer

by @nahlej381


Liner Notes

#punk #grime #fuzz #henry
alright. 30 minute write/record. just letting it be big bad and loud having a good time. i played the drums on this. gotta knock the rust off before i shoot some folks drum tracks. still hanging out in horror punk that got beat up by GG allin and pooed on.


1 2 fuck you

Ima shove you in a suitcase

Ima throw you in the water

Such a nice guy

And helpful

Just ask Otis

Sharp dressed

Sharp knife

Pressed hard in your chest

Just ask Otis (you can’t)

Another one

Issues with his mom

Issues with his brain

Issues unless he issues pain

Just ask Otis




Just ask Otis (you can’t)


This beat was so wild it took down my Internet connection! Head-banging tune all the way and great lyrics, I'd be a friend of Otis I think...probably for the best. seriously though, this blows away the cobwebs nicely 😎
The klaxon-like guitar part makes me think Otis is someone I want to avoid. Cool vocal performance, really like the layering. Cool work.
This is fucking wild dude. I heard the drumming, and I heard you screaming all the way from downstairs while I was making dinner, but I didn't expect all this lol. Killer tune man, pun intended.
its a steal its a flaming deal! the rust is blown away! the finale seems you diving into a sea of hands! viva!
A cacophony of raw, gritty punk power. Aggressive as all get up, the singer's sweat dripping through the speakers, this is a short, intense ice pick to the brain. Awesome!
love the chainsaw arrangement and the way you spit out the lyrics like knives. handcuff the victim to a spinning wheel and start throwing.
This is the answer to the question: what do you get when you cross The Pixies with Ted Bundy. I love love love “Ask Otis… you can’t” 😂, and how you’re just letting it all hang out, making a fuzzy racket and by the sound of it having a blast. The listening experience is bit like a very brief musical enema. Well done, sir.
Oh wow, one of my favourite songs so far from this year's 50 90! Sounds so fresh and cool, and I love the lyrics. The title drew my into check out your song and I'm glad I checked it out