Twilight Saving Time

by @philkmills

Twilight Saving Time

Liner Notes

#neglectedgear #horns #experimental

I recently asked friends to comment on early mixes for an upcoming album. One song received a suggestion that it might be better with horns. Well, I have NI's Session Horns Pro as part of a bundle, but have never used it. This is new music, put together as a way of learning a few things about how that library case I decide to take my friends' advice.

(Just the basics so far; I'll work on articulations next time. 😀 )


Sweeter than the dawn,
With hints of Avalon,
The fey approaching closer now
Kings and Knights are gone.
Life outside the lines,
Softer by design.
If only I could learn to fashion
Twilight saving time.

Late into the day,
It’s peaceful as the grey
Softens shadow edges,
Hides unbending light away.
Reality itself
Takes its place upon a shelf
While imagination gains
Ascendancy through stealth.

I’d bleach the hours of the night
Or dim expanses of daylight
For twilight saving time.
Should I be turning back the clock
After every tick and tock
For twilight saving time?

Spirits of the eve,
It’s hard to disbelieve
When standing on the sidewalk’s living
Proof of what’s achieved:
A magic world, wherein
All measurements are kin
A year, or yet a lifespan’s,
Like a day stretched long and thin.


yeah nice groove and they are good horns. they will come in useful as they do here!
What a sweet mellow groove, and those horns sound awesome! Super evocative lyrics, too. A nice late afternoon listen!
The title is perfect for a jazz song, and you nailed the style.