Grudge Match in a Cage

by @hmstreetteam

Grudge Match in a Cage

Liner Notes

This was my first attempt at writing a song for the “sport” skirmish three days ago. I considered it too dark to put it into the skirmish, but with minor cleanup, here it is today.
This is my reaction to the inside-the-matrix TV show that will be dominating online content for the next month and driving sensitive people like myself away from their screens. It seems like it would support a symphonic metal composition.
Demo, August 4: The music is just for the sake of a demo and a starting point.


Who’s in the box
That would be you
Glance around
And notice that you’re in it
You can never win
You only lose
Hour by hour
And minute by minute

You will live a meaningless existence
Your life will be an empty stage
You put up so much resistance
We put you in a grudge match in a cage

Are you in a cage
You can take the quiz
Four walls
A ceiling and a floor
There’s more
But the final question is
Can you get up now
And walk out the door

You will live a meaningless existence
Your life will be an empty stage
You put up so much resistance
We put you in a grudge match in a cage

You think you are the viewer
But who is viewing you
Now what will you do

It’s a fight for your life
And you are not prepared
There are no rules
But you will feel the pain
You’re the loser and the prize
And you will not be spared
Till the last shred of will
Is knocked out of your brain

You will live a meaningless existence
Your life will be an empty stage
You put up so much resistance
We put you in a grudge match in a cage


simple catchy groove to capture how people live their lives to exist. Fav line is"Your life will be an empty stage".