The Dead Zoo

by @ttg105

Liner Notes


In Dublin, they call the Museum of Natural History and Science "the Dead Zoo."


Welcome to the Dead Zoo
we're here waiting for you

To paraphrase the Eagles
you can enter but you can never leave
(Shut up! Don't quote the Eagles)

Our T-rex will make a meal out of you
our sabre tooth tiger will slice right through you
our woolly mammoth will trample you
our blue whale will swallow you ... whole

Our newest acquisition is this 58-year old Caucasian male
marvel at the size of his proboscis!
(for you lay people, that's a nose)


This is kind of funky! Like a dance hit in an alternate universe! And I quite like that desperate "swallow you" vocalization at the end of verse three. Pretty darn rocking!
Great last verse! Deplorable Caucasian male who is also extincted! 😃
The bass is a killer as always!
Another winner for sure!
great name for it! i wonder where i will fit in! just a statistic i expect! thats a honking bass! and a real wall of sounds.
where can you go from that first line? Make a real gut-muncher of a movie. Zoo-goers tricked into a special after hours tour are eaten alive. and throughout, the music of Paul Pennyfeather underscores the gore. Therein lies the path to riches and notoriety. But for now, we can listen to the music and visualize the second to the last verse,
Love that Bass! Danceable beat! Live from American Bandstand - lol! Twist and Shout - oh yeah!