Spin and Spin

by @orinthebard

Skirmish: Web (@atornberg)
Spin and Spin

Liner Notes

Wrote during the web-themed skirmish a few days ago but put off posting until I had a demo.

Kind of about the creative process & the awkwardness of having one's art be perceived, kind of about that art coming from a neurodivergent brain that works in circular & obsessive ways to tell itself stories that may or may not be true 🤣


Get me out this web of my own making I'm a
Drunk spider and the lines are breaking
Cuz the pattern changes every time it falls from my hands

Feeling like foolhardy Arachne
No I didn't ask Athena to attack me
I just have to weave the prettiest thing that I can

It falls from my hands
I can't control what makes others comfortable
I am the audience – I don't need opinions
The web, it never ends– just breaks and begins again
And I am caught in it, I can't help but spin and spin

Spin and spin

Get me out this web of my compulsion I'm the
Hanged man in my own delusion
Cuz I thought I saw a pattern but it falls from my hands

Feeling like foolhardy Arachne
K I may have challenged Athena– I was cocky
But I should have known better than to steal divine plans

They fall from my hands
I can't control what makes others comfortable
I am the audience – I don't need opinions
The web, it never ends– just breaks and begins again
And I am caught in it, I can't help but spin and spin

Spin and spin
Spin and spin
Spin and spin

And the organs in my abdomen are overactive
There's a hysteria to how I can't stop laying tracks
For runaway trains that hurtle off cliffs
The gods designed me slightly wrong, so I could make weird shi–

It's a curse to be a storyteller
Cuz you see exciting plotlines ‘stead of danger
But you can't control the narrative– it falls from your hands

So Athena, consider me humbled
I don't know if any beauty's worth the trouble
I will try to weave only what belongs in my hands

I can't control what makes others comfortable
I am the audience – I don't need opinions
The web, it never ends– just breaks and begins again
And I am caught in it, I can't help but spin and spin

Spin and spin
Spin and spin
Spin and spin


Just great. Worth the effort to control the anxiety, and produce this song.
A catchy pop song about the struggles of the artist's journey. How did you get inside my brain? This is brilliant. The energy of the percusssive uke and your vocals multiply each other.
I love this! So energetic! Really well played and sung, and good use of the myth in the story
Fantastic hook, love the delivery of the line spin and spin, obvious tie back to spider webs but also the double meaning of the confusion. The cadence also lends to a feeling of being stuck, almost a sense of panic or need to escape. Also liked the reoccurring Athena references and the thought of fighting gods and their gifts. Nice one.
you've got quite a way with diction and quick words! great melody too. Love all the mythology in here.
Fun song, lovely to listen to. Catchy and light-hearted. Beautiful singing and playing. Love the positive energy. A very good title too.
i love the irrepressible energy of these fantastic verses hat you keep spinning out.